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December 28, 2019 @ 9:00 am - December 30, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
FreeDec 28 Hip Complex
Dec 29 Knee Complex
Dec 30 Foot & Ankle Complex
Dec 28-30, 2019 (9am-5pm)
Instructor: Dr. Bahram Jam; PT, FCAMT
- Member of the International Federation of Manipulative Therapists
- Credentialed with The McKenzie Institute International
December 28- Hip
- Review relevant pain, functional and physical Outcome Measures for the hip
- Review the relevant hip anatomy
- Discuss research related to various hip pathologies such as osteoarthritis, labrum injuries and hypermobility
- Review hip evaluation techniques to be used in busy clinical practice
- Review manual therapy management option for various hip dysfunctions
- Review muscular training management options for various hip dysfunctions
- Review optimal rehab management following hip surgeries
December 29- Knee
- Review relevant pain, functional and physical Outcome Measures for the knee
- Review the relevant knee anatomy
- Discuss research related to various knee pathologies such as osteoarthritis, patella-femoral pain, meniscal & ligamentous injuries
- Review knee evaluation techniques to be used in busy clinical practice
- Review manual therapy management option for various knee dysfunctions
- Review muscular training management options for various knee dysfunctions
- Review optimal rehab management following knee surgeries
December 30- Foot & Ankle
- Review relevant pain, functional and physical Outcome Measures for the ankle
- Review the relevant foot & ankle anatomy
- Discuss research related to various foot & ankle pathologies such as inversion sprains, chronic tendinopathies, plantar heel pain & metatarsalgia
- Review foot & ankle evaluation techniques to be used in busy clinical practice
- Review manual therapy muscular training management options for various foot & ankle dysfunctions
- Review optimal rehab management following foot & ankle surgeries
- This course is open to all health care providers but focus will be for Physiotherapists
- There are no prerequisites for this course
- Course material is referenced from up to date research articles
- An easy to understand practical workbook is provided
- All instructions are provided in a clear and concise manner in order to ensure an effective and enjoyable learning experience
- Note: As this is primarily a practical course, please dress appropriately
Who's Attending
5 people are attending LOWER EXTREMITY: NEPAL