2015 Cochrane Review: Knee OA & Exercise
Reference:Fransen M et al Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jan 9;1:CD004376.
The latest Cochrane database systematic review on knee OA and exercise concludes that high-quality evidence supports the notion thattherapeutic exercises provide short-term and long-term benefit with respect to reducing knee pain and disability.
The most important fact provided by the evidence is that the benefits of formally prescribed exercises (e.g. PT) are as beneficial as NSAIDs.
MDs really need to be aware of this 2015 Cochrane review and instead of always writing a prescription for NSAIDs the moment a patient complains about knee pain, they should consider immediately writing a prescription to consult a PT.
Posted on: October 11, 2015
Categories: Knee