2015 MRI Study to prevent Cervical VOMIT
Reference:Nakashima et al Abnormal findings on magnetic resonance images of the cervical spines in 1211 asymptomatic subjects. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Mar 15;40(6):392-8.
This latest cervical MRI study involved over 1200 healthy asymptomatic volunteers ranging from 20-70 years old.
Result #1: 87% presented with bulging discs with increased frequency associated with older age.
Result #2: Of those in their 20’s, 73% of the males and 78% of the females had bulging discs.
Result #3: Spinal cord compression was seen in 5% of all the subjects but was seen in 58% of all the subjects over the age of 50.
Personal Comment: At the request of some of you, I have now changed the title of my purple VOMIT poster. Some did not like the words Victim of Medical Imaging Technology as it implied patients were the “victim”.
The wall poster is now titled “Medical Imaging: The Untold Truth”. I am happy to say that the first thousand posters have now been distributed and I am currently working on distributing the second thousand. I truly believe the poster can make a positive difference in some of our patients’ lives and help reduce catastrophization.
If you wish to have the poster in German, Italian, French or Norwegian, simply email me and I will email the image file so you may print it yourself. If you wish to translate the poster into another language, I would be over the moon!
Posted on: July 03, 2015
Categories: Cervical Spine