An Amazing Study on Cervical Lateral Glide Mobilizations
Reference:Vicenzino B, Collins D, Benson H, Wright A 1998 An investigation of the interrelationship between manipulative therapy-induced hypoalgesia and sympathoexcitation. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 21 (7): 448-453
This is a Randomized, Double blind, Placebo-controlled, Repeated measures study on the effects of cervical lateral glide mobilizations.
Twenty-four subjects with chronic lateral epicondylalgia (?tennis elbow?) received three different interventions including:
1) Lateral glide mobilization at C5-6
2) Placebo, with only placement of the hands on the neck
3) Control, with no hands on the neck but allowing the same time to pass by
I apologize for skipping the details of the study, however here are the basic results?
Result:The lateral glide treatment group had significantly greater improvements than either the placebo or control conditions, in painful grip strength and pressure pain threshold at the lateral epicondyle
Study Conclusion: The lateral glide treatment group had significantly greater changes in their SYMPATHETIC nervous system activity than either the placebo or control conditions
Clinical Relevance: The cervical lateral glide mobilization is a highly gentle yet effective technique and more importantly, with no known ?adverse effects?.
Posted on: July 21, 2002
Categories: Cervical Spine