Cervical Zygapophyseal (Z) Joint Pain ?Evidence that is is common!
Reference:Aprill C, Bogduck N,The prevelance of cervical zyga-pophyseal joint pain. A first approximation (1992), Spine 17(7) 744-7
In a 1992 study, 318 consecutive patients with intractable neck pain underwent provocation discography and cervical Z joint anaesthetic blocks
It was determined that 25% of the patients suffered Z joint pain and a possibility that further 38% suffered Z joint pain that was not appropriately investigated
Clinical Relevance: The disc is not ‘always’ the source of neck pain
Clinical Relevance #2: Specifically addressing the Z joint in treatments may be sometimes more effective than treating the myofascial components
Posted on: February 13, 2002
Categories: Cervical Spine