Exercise & Depression
Reference:Cooney GM et al Exercise for depression. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Sep 12;9:CD004366.
Sadly, not many seriously consider a supervised exercise program as an option for managing depressive symptoms (as it does not cure depression).
The 2013 Cochrane database based on 39 trials concludes with this quote, “Exercise is moderately more effective than a control intervention for reducing symptoms of depression”
Here is another quote, “When compared to psychological or pharmacological therapies, exercise appears to be no more effective.”
What this could be translated as is that exercise is at least as equally effective!
The big challenge is inspiring and motivating patients with depression to comply and stay consistent with a physical activity program. Perhaps that is where PTs could come in.
Posted on: August 23, 2014
Categories: Relevant Physical Therapy Articles