Exercising for CTS...a Waste of Time?
Reference:Page MJ et al Exercise and mobilisation interventions for carpal tunnel syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jun 13;6:CD009899.
This Cochrane Review on CTS included 16 RCTs and concluded that, to date, the evidence suggests that conservative management of CTS is pretty much a waste of time.
The article recommends that health care providers (i.e. PTs) should inform patients that there is limited evidence that our intervention will be of any value for CTS.
Ultrasound for CTS: poor evidence!
Splinting for CTS: poor evidence!
Manual therapy for CTS: No evidence!
Personal Comment: Although I don’t bluntly come out and say to my patients, “there is no hope for you”, I do at some point say that surgery may be considered if no change is noticed in 3 months.
Posted on: July 03, 2015