Please listen to this MUSIC as you follow along with the lyrics below. This is from PAIN: The Musical that I hope you will one day experience live in theatre.

We know full well that we don`t mind the smell of our own flatulence. However, when it’s dealt by anybody else it’s smelt with great offense.

We feel no risk from a scent when we’re confident it’s our own. But we fear there could be a risk when the odour is not – home grown. The aroma’s much the same

The difference is sort of a – head game

You see, your brain doesn’t fret ‘cause you’re not a threat

So it doesn’t set off your smeller

But your brain has a doubt about what’s coming out

Of some other gal – Or feller!

We also know that it’s impossible to give yourself a tickle

Yet the very same thing from anybody else makes your body prickle.  You feel no risk from a touch that comes from your own finger. But you’re not so sure when you feel someone else’s finger linger.

 The touches both are gentle. The difference is entirely mental.

When you’re the engineer then you don’t feel fear

So it doesn’t make you wriggle ‘cause you feel okay

But you don’t like much a stranger’s touch

That’s why you giggle and you try to get away

Why on earth are we telling them this? What’s the possible point? Well – It’s the same for pain

When we experience pain, we magnify the intensity of the assault. If we approach it from the mindset that it’s all someone else’s fault

Like a drunk driver? A doctor?  (to Bella) Your husband?  (to Maya) Your wife?

They are the one responsible for ruining my life!

Some say that it’s unjustified, others say – ironic

But when you blame someone else your pain is much more likely to be chronic

If we could change our attitude and let go of the blame

We might ease flatulence, tickling…And pain.

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