Is There Such a Thing as 'Frozen' Hip? Read this study!
Reference:Byrd JW, Jones KS. Adhesive capsulitis of the hip. Arthroscopy. 2006 Jan;22(1):89-94.
Is it possible that adhesive capsulitis of the hip (‘frozen’ hip) is more common than clinicians know about? Is it clinically similar to frozen shoulder?
This was a clinical case series study on 9 patients identified with ‘frozen’ hip with at least 1 year of follow-up.
This study had 100% follow-up at an average of 1-� years. The average age was 44 years and similar to ‘frozen’ shoulders, it was more prevalent in females (8 women and 1 man). X-ray findings were normal in 8 cases and revealed only mild OA in one patient. MRI with arthrography could not show any signs of adhesive capsulitis.
Examination under anaesthesia revealed an average loss of 20� of lateral rotational motion and 6 � of medial rotation.
Interestingly arthroscopy and manipulation under anaesthesia regained full ROM. Arthroscopy showed that 5 had articular lesions, 3 had labral tears, and 1 had a ruptured ligamentum teres).
The good news is that there was no complications post-hip manipulation under anaesthesia (at least in this case series study).
Clinical Relevance: Although it is rarely written up on, hip adhesive capsulitis / ‘frozen’ hip is not as rare as clinicians may believe. It is basically a painful and stiff hip condition more prevalent to middle-aged women.
There may be an associated intra-articular pathology such as a labral tear. Although this study looked at arthroscopy and manipulation as management options, perhaps PT mobilizations may also prove effective…but likely show very slow improvements, if it is anything like its ‘frozen’ shoulder counterpart.
Posted on: May 03, 2007
Categories: Hip