Psychosocial Education Improves Low Back Pain Beliefs
There is no question that some patients have a dismal view of their low back pain (LBP). Many researchers have clearly demonstrated that catastrophization, fear avoidance and pessimistic views, significantly increase the risk of chronicity.
This 2009 RCT investigated the effect of an evidence-based psychosocial educational program (PSEP) on LBP beliefs of 3800 soldiers in the military. The patients were randomized to receive a PSEP or no education (control group). The PSEP consisted of an interactive seminar and patients were given a copy of The Back Book to read (a simple 20 page blue booklet).
After 3 months, the Back Beliefs Questionnaire scores improved significantly from baseline for those receiving the PSEP, sadly there was a significant decline for those NOT receiving the education (P < 0.0001).
Posted on: March 27, 2010
Categories: Lumbar Spine