Risk Factors for Chronic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Reference:Silverstein BA, et al The natural course of carpal tunnel syndrome in a working population Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2010; 36(5):384-393.
The following conclusions were reached in this 2010 long-term study on carpal tunnel syndrome:
One-year persistence of CTS was 44% for the dominant hand and 52% for non-dominant hand.
The risk factors included:
- Higher job demands
- Lower job satisfaction
- Lower general health
- Higher exposure to vibrating hand tool use
- Greater time using a forceful power gripConclusion in a Nutshell:
Sometimes Physio interventions for CTS may not be successful, despite, recommending a night splint, ultrasound, neural mobilizations, myofascial releases, etc….
in almost 50% of patients, perhaps the 5 above-mentioned factors need to addressed before the CTS is resolved!
Posted on: December 27, 2010
Categories: Wrist & Hand