Strengthen the Gluts of Sedentary women with PFPS
Reference:Fukuda TY et al Hip Posterolateral Musculature Strengthening in Sedentary Women With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial With 1-Year Follow-up. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2012;42(10):823-30.
To date, a number of studies have shown the benefits of a hip-strengthening program in those with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) …here is another one!
This study randomly allocated 54 sedentary women (20-40 y.o.), with a diagnosis of unilateral PFPS to 1 of 2 groups. All received a 4-week PT supervised exercise program.
Group 1: Conventional knee stretching and strengthening program. E.g. hamstring stretches, seated knee extension, 1/4 squats, leg press, hamstring curls
Group 2: The same exercises as group 1, but with the addition of strengthening exercises for the gluteal muscles. E.g. Hip abduction with weights in side lying, hip abduction with band in standing, hip extension on machine
Basic Result: Compared to group 1, the women in group 2 had significantly less pain and better function at 3, 6, and 12 months post-treatment.
Clinical Relevance: For sedentary women with PFPS, an exercise program should ideally consist of a combination of hip and knee strengthening exercises to maximize improvements in pain and function in both short and long term.
Personal Comment: I personally don’t focus on open kinetic chain exercises used in this study, as I cannot see how side lying hip abduction or knee extension in sitting are “functional” exercises.
Posted on: December 16, 2012
Categories: Hip