Study Supports the Mobilization of Acute Ankle Sprains
Reference:Green T, Adams R, Crosbie J. Early manual mobilization effects with acute lateral ankle sprains. Manipulative Physiotherapists Association of Australia 1997 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne Australia. p 71
38 subjects with an acute injury to the lateral collateral ankle ligaments were involved in this study and they were randomly assigned to one of the two groups:
Group 1: Received R.I.C.E. and advice (The Control)
Group 2: Received R.I.C.E., advice AND passive antero-posterior mobilizations to the talo-crural joint
Result:Both groups were treated 3X/ week for up to 2 weeks…
Compared to the patients in the control group, the patients in the mobilization group had:
- Significantly faster improvements in their dorsi-flexion ROM
- Significantly earlier pain-free dorsi-flexion ROMPosted on: February 12, 2002Categories: Foot & Ankle