The Basic Slump Test Procedure: a criterion for Slump Mobilization Techniques
Step #1: Patient is instructed to comfortably sit erect and the presence or absence of symptoms is questioned.
Step #2: Patient is instructed to slump the shoulders and lower back by slouching without flexing the neck.
Step #3: While maintaining step #2, the patient is instructed to tuck their chin to their chest while the clinician may apply gentle overpressure into cervical flexion. The presence or absence of symptoms is again questioned.
Step #4: While maintaining step #3 the patient is instructed to extend the knee. The presence or absence of symptoms is again questioned.
Step #5: While maintaining step #4, the patient is instructed to actively dorsiflex the ankle. The presence or absence of symptoms is again questioned.
Step #6: Patient is instructed to gently release the neck flxion (i.e. look up slightly). Once again, the presence or absence of symptoms is questioned.
The slump test is considered positive if the patient’s symptoms were produced in step #4 or #5 but alleviated when cervical flexion is released.
Posted on: July 05, 2007
Categories: Lumbar Spine