What Predicts Negative Return to Work Expectation in MVA Patients?
Reference:Ozegovic D, Carroll LJ, and Cassidy JD. Expectations, perceptions, and physiotherapy predict prolonged sick leave in subacute low back pain.Spine. 2010; 35(15):E708-E713.
It is well accepted that patients post MVA who have positive expectations regarding their full recovery have better outcomes with respect to return to work and functional scores. Regrettably, the opposite may be said about those with negative expectations!
This study analyzed over 2300 patient post MVA with neck pain and aimed to find the factors that were associated with negative expectations for returning to work.
Basic Results: Depression, lower education, lower income, being male, and greater intensity of neck pain, and greater whole body pain were all independently associated with lower return-to-work expectations / pessimism.
Clinical Relevance: These results show us that there are many factors that contribute to recovery, and one is patient expectation. Unfortunately the top 4 of the above-mentioned risk factors we (PTs) cannot influence!
Posted on: October 10, 2010
Categories: Relevant Physical Therapy Articles